Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Cookie Party by the Numbers

One of the things my friends enjoy the most about the Cookie Party is the sheer quantity of baked goods that gets created.  So, here are some statistics about this year's party-that-wasn't:

  • Total cookies 2020: 3441 (quite a bit lower than usual due to expected poor turnout in light of the coronavirus scare; the norm is between 4,000 and 5,000)
  • Different types of cookies made (also significantly lower than usual, because I knew some of them wouldn't travel well): 23
  • Total flour: 45 lbs.
  • Total sugar: 24 lbs.
  • Total butter: 22 lbs. (88 sticks)
  • Total chocolate: 14.25 lbs.
  • Total Gladware needed to store the cookies: 59 "XL" containers
  • Total care packages shipped out: 91
  • Total length of my receipts from the Post Office: 194.5 inches (that's over 16 FEET!)

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